About JT

JT gift-wraps free for Jersey Alzheimer’s Association

JT is bringing Christmas spirit to the High Street with a FREE in-store gift wrapping service. This is to raise money for the company’s chosen charity of the year –The Jersey Alzheimer’s Association.

In the lead up to Christmas, JT employees from across the company have volunteered to gift-wrap customers’ tech gifts free of charge.  In exchange for this they ask for a small donation to the Jersey Alzheimer’s Association. This is JT’s chosen charity for this year.
Continue reading “JT gift-wraps free for Jersey Alzheimer’s Association”

JT and Andorra Telecom sign exchange agreement

JT has signed an exchange agreement with the national telecoms company of Andorra to work together. This will be in areas such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and information security. The cooperation programme will also promote the professional development of employees. Staff will be seconded from JT to Andorra Telecom to share knowledge and experience. But also to identify how the companies can work closer together and promote multicultural and dynamic working environments.

The agreement was signed in Andorra on Monday 11 December by JT Chief Executive Officer Graeme Millar and his counterpart at Andorra Telecom, Jordi Nadal.

The Perfect Partnership

Mr Millar said: “Like JT, Andorra Telecom is a government-owned company. And it punches above its weight on the international stage. We’ve both invested in full-fibre broadband networks. Additionally, we’re both developing innovative IoT services to help devices connect with each other automatically. This partnership makes perfect sense because we’re moving in the same direction. But, we still have a lot to learn from each other.

“It will also be an added incentive for staff in both companies to expand their horizons and learn new technical, functional or managerial skills, and promote creativity, flexibility, initiative and commitment. Ultimately, it is a win-win.”

Mr Nadal said: “From Andorra Telecom’s perspective, we’re particularly interested in JT’s knowledge of networks. JT’s work in the IoT space and the way it has expanded globally is impressive. Equally, I hope our own experience in fibre-optic technology and information security will be of great interest to JT.

“Although, geographically, Andorra and the Channel Islands are very different, as telecoms operators, we face similar challenges. This new agreement will be insightful and rewarding for both partners.”


Issued by Julien Morel at Direct Input. Telephone 01534 735253 or email
julien@directinput.je for more information.

Picture: JT CEO Graeme Millar signs the agreement in Andorra with Andorra Telecom
CEO Jordi Nadal

JT wins independent award for having fastest mobile network in the Channel Islands

JT has once again been confirmed as the fastest mobile network in the Channel Islands and Internet Service Provider in Jersey by Ookla – the globally recognised leader in Internet performance testing and metrics for broadband and mobile networks.

Results from all networks across the Islands were analysed by Ookla. This is the world’s most popular Internet performance testing service. Consumer-initiated test results using Speedtest by Ookla confirm that JT has faster Speed Scores. Faster than any of its competitors.

The tests were carried out from April to September in 2017 using industry-approved methodology. Ookla’s results are widely trusted by regulators, trade groups and analysts. They are used by virtually every major mobile carrier and Internet Service Provider in the world. This includes being used by the GSMA.  Each day, over eight million tests are carried out on Speedtest. Their customers include Microsoft, Cisco and Vodafone.

JT will Continue to Invest

Daragh McDermott, Director of Corporate Affairs at JT, said: “The Channel Islands are well served by mobile and broadband operators. These results from Ookla simply help people decide who to choose.

“JT has invested tens of millions of pounds in our 4G and fibre networks across our islands. So, it is pleasing to receive a third-party endorsement confirming our investment is having a positive impact. But, we can never rest on our laurels. Evidently, as the Channel Islands’ only locally owned provider, JT will continue to invest. Therefore, ensuring that residents and businesses have resilient, reliable and speedy communications now and for the future.”

Jamie Steven, EVP of Operations at Ookla, said: “We at Speedtest by Ookla congratulate JT for the standout performance of their network speed. This is for a second year in a row. A reliable network and the internet are now integral to so many of our lives. Hence, it is already becoming difficult to imagine a world without it. JT is ensuring that the Channel Islands will remain at the leading edge of this digital revolution.”


Issued by Julien Morel at Direct Input. Telephone 01534 735253 or email julien@directinput.je


Speed Scores
Speed Score determines the top providers in The Speedtest Awards. This incorporates a measure of each provider’s download and upload speeds to rank network speed performance. (90% of the final Speed Score is attributed to download speed and the remaining 10% to upload speed). The Speed Score uses a modified trimean to demonstrate the download and upload speeds that are available across a provider’s network. We take speeds from the 10th percentile, 50th percentile (also known as the median), and 90th percentile. Then we combine them in a weighted average using a 1:2:1 ratio, respectively. So, we place the most emphasis on the download speeds and median speeds. This is because those represent what most network providers’ customers will experience on a day-to-day basis. Consequently, we will not issue an award if the Speed Score between the top and second place provider are within 1% of each other. www.speedtest.net/awards/methodology

JT is a full-service Tier-1 global consumer and also a business enterprise provider. They have over a 120-year’s heritage based in the Channel Islands.  Therefore, JT offers a domestic and global customer base a range of world-class services. This includes; voice and data; consultancy; co-location; leading-edge data hosting; internet; security; cloud back-up; fixed and mobile technologies; e-Gaming; M2M; Cloud Services (IaaS); fully managed IT services; and wholesale solutions.

Across 11 global locations, JT employs over 600 staff. Providing products and services to over 1.4 million global consumer subscribers and 2,177 active business customers. JT has an international presence across Europe, Asia and the United States. This has aided its evolution in becoming a leading supplier in roamed services.

JT’s Books for Tablets campaign collects over 8,000 directories

JT’s Books for Tablets campaign has ended for the year. Primary school pupils have made a huge effort, collecting over 8,000 telephone directories to be recycled and receiving over 50 tablets in return.

A total of 25 local Primary schools took part in this year’s campaign, which aims to reduce waste. Whilst also teaching children about the importance of recycling. For every 150 directories a school collects, JT donated a tablet. These are pupil-friendly, touch-screen devices. And they provide internet access and education apps in a safe and secure environment.

St Peter’s Primary School were top of the leader board, collecting 1,425 directories. Thus they will receive nine new tablets from JT. St Lawrence Primary School were second, collecting 680 books. This resulted in four tablets. St Christopher’s Preparatory School were third, collecting 608 directories and also receiving four tablets in return.

St Peter’s Primary School Head Teacher Sam Dixon said: “We are delighted to receive our tablets from JT. These will greatly enhance the learning opportunities for our children. Thanks to our School Eco team, all our parents, pupils and the wider community for their fantastic recycling efforts.”

Tamara O’Brien, JT’s Head of Marketing, Brand and Distribution, said: “JT is an Eco-Active Business and we take our responsibility to the environment seriously. As well as the Books for Tablets campaign, we also encourage households to recycle their directories at drop-off points around the Island. Our customers tell us that the directory is still an invaluable resource and I’m pleased that it is also a useful tool to teach the next generation about sustainability.”



Notes to Editors

For further information, please contact Direct Input, telephone 01534 735253 or email julien@directinput.je

Photograph: Tablets being donated to St Peter’s primary school during assembly.

JT’s pioneering fibre project shortlisted for Global Telecoms Awards

Gigabit Jersey – JT’s project that will soon see every home and business in the Island connected directly to super-fast broadband – has been shortlisted in the Global Telecoms Awards.

The Gigabit Jersey project began in 2012. Since then over 94%* of broadband services have now been directly connected to the fibre network. Therefore, it means that Jersey is now ranked first in the world in terms of percentage of broadband services with a full-fibre connection to broadband.

It will also allow the Island to become the first in the world to completely replace its ageing copper wire network. This has served the telecoms industry well for over a century. However, it can now be replaced with fast, reliable and secure fibre-optic cables.

JT Shortlisted Against Some Big Players

Now in its fifth year, the Global Telecoms Awards celebrates a broad range of global accolades. This year sees JT shortlisted in the Fixed Network Evolution category of the awards, against some big players from around the globe.

JT Chief Executive Officer Graeme Millar said: “When we began the Gigabit Jersey project, some people were understandably cautious. They questioned whether it was necessary for the Island. However, we knew then that device use and bandwidth would grow. This is in line with more and more services being delivered digitally. I’m pleased that the Global Telecoms Awards judges have recognised the importance of our insight. And also our investment in full-fibre connectivity in this shortlisting. The need for fibre is now evident publicly. I’m so glad we made the decision early on. We’re now in the fortunate position where major UK operators are trying to catch up.”


For further information or to set up interviews, please contact Julien Morel at Direct Input. Telephone 01534 735253 or email julien@directinput.je

Notes to Editors
The Global Telecoms Awards are organised by Telecoms.com, a respected independent news portal covering the latest technological advancements and market trends. Focusing on the key business and technology issues facing the industry today. The awards take place in London on 2 November.

*Figures correct as of September 2017

About JT

JT joins Channel Islands’ effort to support those affected by Hurricane Irma

JT has joined the Channel Islands’ response to the destruction caused by Hurricane Irma. Jt have waived all roaming charges for any JT customer caught up in the disaster until they can return.

The company, which is owned by the people of Jersey, is also working with Island authorities to identify other ways to help. This could include sending engineers and equipment to the region.

JT Chief Executive Officer Graeme Millar said: “Like most people, I have been following events in the Caribbean and Florida closely. I’ve been truly shocked and saddened by the scale of the devastation. Being a global business with worldwide roaming agreements, JT is in a position to be able to offer practical help. Especially to Channel Islanders caught up in the aftermath of this terrible natural disaster.

“We have heard stories of communities being cut off from the outside world. This is due to of a lack of communication. So, it’s comforting to know that we can offer some help to islanders and their families back home.

“Being a small island ourselves, I think we feel a natural empathy with the impacted Caribbean communities. Particularly, as we have strong business links with many of them. JT has used social media to ask affected customers to contact us. The engagement has been heartening, with hundreds of people expressing their solidarity and support. I would like to encourage as many people as possible to share our posts with their friends. We want to spread the message far and wide.”

One story from the Caribbean illustrates how JT’s global reach has already had a positive impact. Jersey couple Tim and Shona Ringsdore live in the British Virgin Islands. Consequently, their home was badly damaged when Hurricane Irma struck last Wednesday. All phone lines were down – except Mrs Ringsdore’s JT mobile. This has been the only way that the couple has been able to let friends and family know that they are safe.

Their London-based daughter, Katy, said: “That one phone has been an absolute live-saver. Only could mum and dad let me and my sister know that they’re safe using JT. Also the whole neighbourhood has been using it to speak to friends and family. I know that a couple of international businesses had lost contact with some of their BVI employees. However, through the JT phone, mum and dad were able to track them down. That one JT phone has made a massive contribution.”

JT customers in the region affected by Hurricane Irma should send a Direct Message to JT via the company’s Facebook page. Alternatively, Islanders who know of affected JT customers can contact the JT Contact Centre on 882882 to leave details.


For further information or to set up interviews, please contact Julien at Direct Input. Telephone 01534 735253 or email julien@directinput.je

About JT

JT Daredevils skydived for dementia

Ten brave JT Daredevils skydived out of a plane yesterday [Sunday 3 September] . They were raising money for JT’s chosen charity, Jersey Alzheimer’s Association. The intrepid volunteers plunged at 130 mph for 30 seconds. At 10,000 feet above St Aubin’s Bay they parachuted down to land close to the Gunsite slipway. Colleagues, family and friends came down to welcome the Daredevils back to earth and applaud their courage.

After another successful annual JT Charity Day in June, 35 staff members signed up to become JT Daredevils. Ten were selected at random. They became the first JT Daredevils. The skydivers raised a fantastic £1000 for Jersey Alzheimer’s Association.

Everyone got involved

Emma Wileman, Credit Collection Manager at JT and chosen Daredevil, said: “It was absolutely incredible! It’s great that so many of us signed up to skydive from across the business. Consequently, directors, engineers and call centre staff were all involved. It’s been a talking point across the whole company. This means that everyone has been involved. That’s brought us all closer together as well as helped with the fundraising.”

JT runs several charitable initiatives throughout the year. At the beginning of 2017, staff voted for their Charity of the Year.  They chose Jersey Alzheimer’s Association. Staff in other locations are also supporting local Alzheimer’s-related charities.

Christophe Château, Head of Culture and Staff Engagement at JT, said: “Staff enthusiasm and engagement at JT never ceases to amaze me. After getting everyone to wear odd shoes earlier this year for our annual JT Charity Day, who would have thought we could get ten members of staff to jump out of a plane? I am so proud of my colleagues for taking the leap. Also for raising a tremendous £1000 for Jersey Alzheimer’s Association.”

Mark Blamey, Manager of Jersey Alzheimer’s Association, said: “We can’t thank JT enough for choosing to support us this year. Performing a tandem charity skydive is certainly an impressive feat. So, we’re excited to see what the JT Daredevils will do next! Their efforts will help us to support local people living with dementia and their families.”

The JT Daredevils were not only skydiving to fundraise for Jersey Alzheimer’s Association but to raise awareness of World Alzheimer’s Day. This takes place on Thursday 21 September. JT is now well on its’ way to achieve its £20,000 target for Alzheimer’s-related charities.


Issued by Julien Morel at Direct Input. Telephone 01534 735253 or email julien@directinput.je for more information.

JT powering Super League Triathlon

JT is the official Technology Partner for a world-class triathlon event being held in Jersey next month. 50 of the world’s leading male and female triathletes. This includes 25 olympians from around the world who will compete in Jersey, British Isles, for the Super League Triathlon crown on Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 September.

The line-up will include the UK’s Jonny Brownlee, Mario Mola Diaz from Spain, South Africa’s Richard Murray, three-time Olympian Flora Duffy from Bermuda, and Jersey’s own Dan Halksworth.

Therefore, two days of intense competition will be televised and streamed around the globe. JT is also providing technical support, mobile communications and super-fast internet access to the broadcast team and race organisers. JT has pedigree in this area: two years ago, the company was Technology Partner to the successful 2015 Island Games in Jersey, providing the technology to make the Games the most connected in its history.

A World-Class Event

Graeme Millar, Chief Executive Officer of JT, said: “A world-class event needs world class infrastructure, which JT is well placed to provide. Because of our investment in our mobile and fibre networks, a significant sporting roadshow like the Super League Triathlon can arrive in the Island and broadcast to millions of people with relative ease.

“The St Helier Waterfront is also a perfect backdrop for this weekend. A weekend of intense competition. I’m sure the whole Island will get behind it. So, I’m pleased that JT can play its part in showcasing Jersey to the world.”

Super League Triathlon founder Micheal D’Hulst said: “One of the reasons why Jersey is a perfect venue for this action-packed event is not only because of its striking beauty but also because of its fantastic infrastructure. So, from an outsider’s perspective, it’s incredible to think that such a small island can have mobile and broadband networks. Especially ones that put much larger jursdictions to shame. Therefore, JT’s can-do attitude has been invaluable and has given us huge confidence in the Island. We’re already planning on coming back.”


Issued by Julien Morel at Direct Input. Telephone 01534 735253 or email
julien@directinput.je for more information.

Notes to Editors
Super League Triathlon aims to bring mainstream attention to triathlon. Moving the sport into the ‘big league’ of sport entertainment. Athletes compete in a series of rounds which incorporate the three disciplines of triathlon over short ‘super-sprint’ distances.

Autism Centre moves a step closer thanks to Autism Jersey golf day

The annual Autism Jersey golf day, sponsored by JT, took place on Friday 11 August at La Moye Golf Club raising over £20,000 for the charity.

A dry day and yet another excellent turn-out ensured the success of the day. This involved 22 teams enjoying a round of 18 holes followed by lunch. This was served in the nearby Les Creux Bowls Club due to the refurbishment of the club house. A raffle and auction, including a golf flag signed by Henrik Stenson, winner of the 145th Open Championship, boosted the funds raised. These will go directly towards the development of a purpose-built Autism Centre in Jersey.

The winning team was Kedge Capital with an outstanding score of 94. Followed by Continuum with 91 and Estera with 89. Meanwhile, individual prizes went to Dan Burchell of CPA Global for the men’s longest drive. Also to Brona Lambert of Moore Stephens for the women’s longest drive. Finally, to Steve Morgan of Quilter Cheviot for nearest the pin.

Nick Winsor, the Chairman of Autism Jersey, said: “Once again the Autism Jersey Charity Golf Day was a great success. I was delighted that our patron, the Lieutenant Governor Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen Dalton, could join us. The important work of Autism Jersey would not be possible without the generous support of local businesses. I would like to make a special mention of the sponsor for the day, JT.”

Daragh McDermott, Director for Corporate Affairs at JT said: “Autism Jersey is a charity which offers invaluable support to Islanders affected by autism and their families. We are, as ever, very pleased to support them in their fundraising efforts by sponsoring them. As well as taking part in this phenomenally popular annual golf day at La Moye Golf Club. Not only did it stay dry but there was some great golf demonstrated by the participants.  Thanks must go to each team for their support once again and congratulations to all the winners.”

Autism Jersey aims to raise at least £1.5 million for the centre in a joint effort with the States of Jersey. It is envisaged that the centre will be operational in 2019.


Issued by Julien Morel at Direct Input. Telephone 01534 735253 or email julien@directinput.je for more information.

About JT

‘Roaming’ doubles this summer following cost reductions

JT has seen a 100% increase in customers’ data usage while abroad since reducing roaming rates by 95% at the start of the summer.

JT was the first local telecommunications provider to introduce significant roaming reductions. This means that customers are enjoying savings of up to 85% when compared to other local providers. Plus with a roaming ‘bolt-on’ JT customers can now roam for as little as 10p per MB in the UK and France.

On average customers have already doubled their communications activity while roaming. They make 20 minutes of outbound calls, send 33 texts and are now using 145 MB of data. This is equivalent to streaming close to 5 hours of music on Spotify.

Now, also with the introduction of 4G roaming only from JT, JT is the first to offer the most flexible and cost effective all round roaming offer.  Plus, with super-fast connectivity. For customers travelling to the UK and Europe, downloading maps, accessing emails or sending large attachments and uploading holiday snaps, it is as quick and easy as it is at home.

Dominic Vye, JT’s Head of Commercial Development, said: “It is excellent to see islanders taking full advantage of reduced roaming rates while on holiday this summer. We specifically launched our reduced rates before the summer holidays started. This was so families, travellers and holidaymakers could take full advantage of the reduced charges this summer. We still encourage all our customers to roam responsibly while abroad. Please ask in store if you have any questions.”

As the Channel Islands are not part of Europe, local operators are still charged to connect their customers by the international telecoms companies.



  • JT introduced the option for customers to cap their data roaming so they can limit their usage to no more than £50 worth of data. JT also has other ways to control spending, including:
  • JT’s FREE Apps, which let customers monitor their usage in near real time.
  • Adding a Roaming bolt-on to their account for just £5 per month will further reduce data charges to as little as 10p per MB in the UK and France.
  • Using Wi-Fi whenever possible is another way to control costs.
  • Plus JT Fibre customers can access over 20 million FREE JT Fon Wi-Fi hotspots around the world.

Issued by Hannah Reed at Direct Input. Telephone 01534 735253 or email hannah@directinput.je for more information.